Using ‘My World Triangle in Practice’ (CPL Opportunity)

Tuesday 6th October: 2-3pm

CALA members are invited to join our online virtual continuous professional development session – Using My World Triangle in Practice.

The My World Triangle is a useful tool to build a picture of the whole child, strengths, and pressures to enable us to identify the best way to support the child and their family and work with other agencies. 

We will look at ways to use the tool effectively and will also consider what Trauma-informed Practice is, and how we can become more aware of the impact of trauma for children and families.

Click here for further details

Click here to book online

Dingwall Ducklings

During the summer holidays, Dingwall Ducklings were delighted to have some refurbishment done. Patio doors have been fitted and decking built to make freeflow play from the playroom to the garden area easier. The lovely large patio doors have also helped more natural light into the playroom making it bright and airy. 

Many thanks to Kenny Ross (K. Ross Joinery) for fitting the doors and a very special thanks to Stuart MacBean (parent) for donating the decking and the workforce to get the job done! 

We think our Dingwall Ducklings photo says it all!

A special delivery supports children’s transition back to Reay ELC

Practitioners in Reay had a special delivery left outside of their setting this week! The children were super excited to open the parcel and find a tiger puppet and a letter introducing ‘Timmy the Tiger.’

The children discussed what they could do to make Timmy feel welcome and safe and decided that this week they would plan and build a special ‘den’ for him.

Senior Early Years Practitioner Yvonne explained that they will be using ‘Timmy the Tiger’ as a learning character to support children’s recall and learning experiences in a variety of ways.  For example,  before lockdown the children were working on a book on  SHANARRI and had started with SAFE and HEALTHY, using photos, pictures and children’s comments and descriptions. Next steps will be to revisit these encouraging children to tell Timmy the Tiger all about it, embedding and consolidating their understanding of what it means to be safe and healthy.  Children’s annual participation in the local garden show will be done virtually this year with Timmy the Tiger’s support to share photographs, recognise and celebrate children’s achievements with their families.

New e-module

CALA are delighted to announce the launch of their new module to the CALA e-learning zone – Gender Equal Play: breaking down barriers. 

Children’s understanding of gender is influenced and reinforced from a very young age through interactions and experiences with family, culture, lifestyle, the media, education, childcare environments and the wider community.

The module will support parents and practitioners understanding of how to support gender equality through nonbiased practice with young children.

The module is a mixed media presentation which will guide learners through key messages in a clear, straightforward and interesting way. Video, audio, simple interactive tasks, links to national and relevant guidance, along with suggested further reading are suggested and used to explain and illustrate important learning points and consolidate learning.

The module is aimed at:

  • All Managers, practitioners, community groups, support staff or volunteers who work with or for children and young people.
  • Parent, carers and significant family adults in children’s families
  • Students and or those considering a career in childcare.

Visit for further information.

ELC Childcare Improvement Programme: Bitesize resources

The ‘Early Learning and Childcare programme’ announced the release of a series of online bitesize resources on the Care Inspectorate Hub which will support services to complete their Key Question 5 self-evaluation

Care Inspectorate state:

“The flexible design of the bitesize resources means all ELC staff can view the four sessions at any time – supporting them to raise their knowledge and skills in specific areas. ?Anyone can access them, so it’s a helpful resource for the wider ELC sector. ?They are centred on the programme’s vision which is to see an increased number of ELC settings achieve the national standard.

  1. Key Question 5 self-evaluation
  2. Quick wins in ELC Care Inspectorate inspections
  3. Introduction to quality improvement in an ELC context.

The sessions share some pointers and reminders which will help raise knowledge on the information and detail required to ensure ELC settings facilitate self-evaluation. “

The first in the series introduces and supports services in completing their Key Question 5 self-evaluation? The sessions have been designed to be viewed in sequence.

Click here to access

CALA Virtual Pyjama Party celebrating Book Week Scotland!

CALA Family Services Team has been awarded funding from the Scottish Book Trust to support CALA Toddler Groups to come together to create stories, play, learn and have fun culminating in a virtual pyjama party to celebrate Book Week Scotland.

Before we get to the pyjama party however our Family Service Practitioners are looking for your toddler’s creativity to help us write our very own storybook!

The story will be about a character called ‘Puff’ who visits our toddler communities across the Highlands. We need your help to create pictures of things you enjoy on windy days or pictures of your local area.

If you would like to take part, please send your pictures to [email protected] by the 16th September.

We will be posting further information shortly about our VIRTUAL PYJAMA PARTY!

Click here to access a short video with further details