Updates: COVID-19: early learning and childcare services

Following the First Ministers statement on the 4/8/21, Scottish Government and Care Inspectorate have updated and issued further guidance for:

  • Early Learning and Childcare provision
  • Childminders
  • School-Aged Childcare

The Scottish Government has also published a checklist summarising the COVID-19 risk mitigations for ELC settings. The Scottish Government state:

This should not be used as a substitute for reading the full guidance. This is especially true for managers of settings who must read the full guidance to understand the measures that they should implement in service planning“.

With updates to guidance ongoing CALA continues to update their Practitioner Portal to make it as easy as possible for childcare services to access the information and guidance in the one place.

For the updates mentioned above and other guidance visit: https://www.careandlearningalliance.co.uk/practitioner-portal/