Barnardo’s Works Highlands & Islands

Bumps to Baby Steps

Barnardo’s Works Highlands & Islands provides young people with a unique blend of personal support and accredited training, matched with quality work experience and the opportunity for sustainable, independent employment.

Bumps to Baby Steps provides specific support for lone parents aged 16-24, with childcare and travel cost covered for the duration of the programme.

Click here to find out more.

Keeping Children Safe

Keeping Children Safe 

Children across Scotland can face abuse, neglect, exploitation or harm. It’s not just up to the services to provide child protection services, everyone has a responsibility to keep children safe from harm. The Highland Child Protection Committee in partnership with Care and Learning Alliance (CALA) has a number of free-e-learning child protection-related e-modules to help raise your awareness including ‘Think you Know neglect’ and ‘Children affected by parental substance misuse. To find out more about the modules and how to access them, visit

Look, Think, Act Campaign

The Care Inspectorate has launched a campaign and resources for those working in Early Learning and Childcare. Published on 25th August 2021 they introduced SIMOA (Safe, Inspect, Monitor, Observe, Act) the elephant to all ELC settings to support practitioners to be alert to how and why children could leave a childcare setting without a responsible adult.

The poster and artwork can be used to support discussions with children and families with posters and artwork to help children be aware of how to be safe and secure in a setting.

With new children attending ELC and new staff teams forming it’s a good time to be reminded of the importance of being vigilant at all times and the need for strong/effective teamwork to help raise awareness and act responsibly to safeguard, protect and support children’s wellbeing.

Click here to access