Gaelic Toddler Groups

Gaelic Toddler Groups

Gaelic Toddler Groups

Care & Learning Alliance (CALA), and Bòrd na Gàidhlig (BnG) are working in partnership with Highland Council, developing a vibrant Gaelic 0-3 early years sector across the Highlands.

Four part-time Gaelic Toddler Development Workers support and promote Gaelic language learning and usage amongst our youngest children and their parents through quality play experiences at Gaelic Toddler groups, utilising local and national guidance including ‘Realising the Ambition: Being me‘ and  ‘Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s Early Years Toolkit‘. They encourage and provide support and information to parents who are considering bilingualism for their children through Gaelic Education.

Contact our Gaelic Toddler Development Workers:

Gaelic Toddler Groups & other useful links

Click here to access information about groups across Highland

Scroll through down for our Gaelic ideas and resources

Gaelic Stories

Click on the tabs at the top to access the different stories.

Cric Crac Crubag read by Murdina Macleod
Càit a Bheil Spot?
M’eudail air an iasg!

Gaelic Songs and Rhymes

Click on the tabs at the top to access the different songs and rhymes.

Guth nam Beathaichean
Tha ant-ailbhean mor a’ stampadh
Rannan Gàidhlig
Spòrs Is Seinn
Coig Bonnaich anns a’ bhuth

Gaelic Fun Ideas and Activities

Click on the tabs at the top to access the different activities.

making Moon-dough
Bird Activity Sheet

Other useful websites

Gaelic for Parents


Gaelic for Parents has produced a series of 9 short videoes aimed at supporting parents with their Gaelic.

Click on the individual links below to access.

1 – Introduction –

2 – Washing hands –

3 – Getting up and getting ready in the morning –

4 – Eating –

5 – Getting ready for bed –

6a – Storytime (Part 1) –

6b – Storytime (Part 2) –

7 – Time to sleep –

8 – Singalong –

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