Vision, values and aims
Statement of Aims
We ensure Children’s Rights are at the centre of everything we do and in their best interests supporting their right to be included, listened to, kept safe and to play (UNCRC* Articles 2,3,12,19,31). The Children will learn about their rights and gain an understanding of the SHANARRI wellbeing indicators: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included. (*United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child)
All staff are trained in the provision of high-quality childcare and ensure their knowledge is kept updated with relevant legislation and best practice guidance such as Realising the Ambition, to nurture and encourage child-led learning through play, extending learning in numeracy, literacy and creativity guided by the curriculum for excellence.
The Outdoor area is a major focus of Watten ELC. Children are supported to explore and learn about nature and their forest, the plants and vegetables are grown in their area to enhance and progress their learning. Children can explore our safe outdoor area enjoying adventurous play whilst learning about safety and assessing risk helping them become more resilient. They can explore their mud kitchen, their playhouse, reading area and construction area. They can paint, write, play music or whatever their imagination wishes, to inspire their curiosity making play child-centred and unique to each individual.
This year continued to be affected by the COVID situation. Practitioners ensure the health and wellbeing of all children and support their families through this time whether our setting is open or experiencing closure. Policies, procedures and risk assessments are working well and how we recover from the impacts of Covid is the focus of this year’s Improvement Plan concentrating on children’s and staff’s health and wellbeing whilst working in partnership with our families to identify and support needs.
Encourage and support children’s parents and their families to become involved in the activities in the setting and their children’s learning in a variety of ways that suit their family’s needs.
Next steps – we are always looking for ways to improve and are driven to make sure the children become the best they can be. We welcome all comments and suggestions you may have so please speak to Donna, Grace, Marchael, Fiona or Rachel: we look forward to hearing from you.