Our vision, values and aims
Reay staff ensure that Children’s Rights are at the centre of everything we do and in their best interests supporting their right to be included, listened to, kept safe and to play (UNCRC* Articles 2,3,12,19,31). The Children will learn about their rights and gain understanding of the SHANARRI wellbeing indicators: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included and staff make sure children’s learning is child-led and their voices are heard and supported through a variety of ways. (*United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child)
Encourage and support children’s families to re-engage in activities in the centre as far as Covid will allow. Children have opportunities to access our two outside areas, we try to keep the two areas refreshed and inviting for the children to explore whether it is experimenting in the mud kitchen making potions, planting flowers, painting, den building, incorporating loose parts play as well as having further opportunities to develop numeracy and literacy skills. These opportunities will be created in the new build outdoor area through consultation with children, parents and staff.
As we are still experiencing COVID circumstances staff ensure health and wellbeing is paramount in supporting children and families, whether the setting is closed or open. We share relevant documentation on a regular basis and we continue to monitor, update and share policies, procedures, risk assessments and guidance as appropriate.
Your values and opinions matter.
Understand the needs of individual children and families, we get to know our families well and build a trusting relationship with them.
Nurture all children, providing a safe and stimulating environment, encouraging each child to reach their full potential.
During this time continue to develop positive supporting links with parents/families in light of COVID and impending move to our new premises within the school grounds.
Engagement with outside agencies and value their professionalism and have a connection with local community.
Rich learning environment with a broad range of experiences and opportunities, staff use appropriate documentation such as HGIOELC, HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE STANDARDS, and REALISING THE AMBITON, BEING ME.