For Dads and Male Carers

The Likely Dads

likelydadsmarch2015Have you heard about The Likely Dads? They meet on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month in the Free North Church Hall in Inverness, 10:30am – 12:00pm.

All dads and male carers and their little ones are welcome and there’s lots of fun on the menu as well as coffee for the adults! Cost: £1.50 per family.

Contact Mairianne for more information: 0774 8683116 or email: [email protected]

The Likely Dads‘ latest news is on the CALA Blog. Sign up for the blog and you’ll get regular emails to keep you up to date with what’s happening with The Likely Dads, and with CALA in general.

Just enter your email address on the blog homepage (top right) and click ‘follow’.

You’ll need to click on ‘confirm follow’ when you get your confirmation email but that’s all you have to do!

Let us know if you need any help?

Go to The Likely Dads’ Noticeboard on the CALA Blog.

Other Useful Sites

Engaging with Fathers (Engaging with Families website)

PlayTalkRead (Kids love it when dads play the game and join in the fun.)

Dads Rock (Scotland’s network of free playgroups for dads and kids)

Getting the Blokes on Board (National Literacy Trust)

Being More Involved as a Dad (Preschool Learning Alliance)

Time for Dads (Preschool Learning Alliance)

Men in Childcare (children need men too!)

Steve Biddulph’s Raising Boys (Facebook Community)

What’s it about? – raising sons to be kind, caring, confident and purposeful.